Healthcare IT Solutions

Consulting Services for IT Enabled Healthcare Solutions. IT enabled healthcare initiatives aligned with the SSI HEALTHCARE venture will ensure the following

• Integration
• Scalability
• Reach

Here are the specific applications wherein SSI-HEALTHCARE IT team would consult and advise on implementation

Hospital Information System

Hospital Information System

• Core clinical application
• Clinical data repository
• Electronic medication and administration
• Order processing
• Reports and analysis
• Supply chain management
• Biomedical Interfacing with HIS


The SSI-HEALTHCARE IT team shall consult on designing Enterprise Digital Imaging and Multi - Modality. Suitable imaging software (PACs) are required to be integrated with HIS. The imaging integration shall include following aspects.
• Radiology in PACS
• Cardiology in PACS
• Multi - Modality in PACS
• Advance Imaging

Patient Focused Applications

Patient Focused Applications

SSI-HEALTHCARE IT team would consult on identification of suitable Patient Health Record (PHR) application; also facilitate implementation & integration with HIS. In addition to that the doctor's appointment scheduling application where the appointments are scheduled centrally and managed effectively would be implemented and integrated with HIS.

IT Enabled Services

IT Enabled Services

The healthcare and IT infrastructure could be used to provide large scale IT enabled services. SSI HEALTHCARE shall extend technical know- how as well as operational expertise to offer IT enabled services.

SSI-HEALTHCARE can also extend its current IT infrastructure based in India to provide these services. This would ensure immediate ramp up of these value-added services. In due time and scale achieved suitable infrastructure could be setup in the region.

  • Customer care call center
  • Tele-Medicine
  • Tele-Radiology
  • Mobile-Health services
  • Telepathology


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